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can-utils Tipps

Senden - cansend

einzelne Botschaft senden:
cansend vcan0 244#00000011F6

Botschaft wiederholt senden (eventuell mit sleep verzögern):
while true; do cansend vcan0 244#00000011F6;  done

while true; do cansend can0 123#4444; sleep 0.1; done

bestimmte Botschaften aus Logfile senden (geht auch mit canplayer):
candump vcan0 | grep " 244 " | while read line; do cansend vcan0 244#00000011F6; done

Senden - canplayer

alle Botschaften wie geloggt auf entsprechenden Interface senden:

canplayer -I can.log.log
canplayer -I can.log.log -l 1    # nur einmal abspielen
canplayer vcan0=can0 < candump-2013-05-06_190603.log

canplayer - Hilfe

Usage: canplayer <options> [interface assignment]*

Options:              -I <infile>  (default stdin)
                      -l <num>     (process input file <num> times)
                                   (Use 'i' for infinite loop - default: 1)
                      -t           (ignore timestamps: send frames immediately)
                      -g <ms>      (gap in milli seconds - default: 1 ms)
                      -s <s>       (skip gaps in timestamps > 's' seconds)
                      -x           (disable local loopback of sent CAN frames)
                      -v           (verbose: print sent CAN frames)

Interface assignment:  0..n assignments like <write-if>=<log-if>
e.g. vcan2=can0 ( send frames received from can0 on vcan2 )
extra hook: stdout=can0 ( print logfile line marked with can0 on stdout )
No assignments => send frames to the interface(s) they had been received from.

Lines in the logfile not beginning with '(' (start of timestamp) are ignored.

Senden - caribou

Fuzzer Modus

 ./ -i vcan0  fuzzer mutate 0b4 ....1111 -delay 0.1
  • -i vcan0 wählt ein alternatives Interface wenn man nicht das default Interface verwenden will aus .canrc
  • sendet die 0b4 und mutiert die Datenbytes D0 und D1
  • -delay stellt die zykluszeit auf 100 ms


 (Regel löschen)
 sudo cangw -D -s vcan0 -d vcan1 -e -f 244:C00007FF -m SET:IL:333.4.1122334455667788

 244=> nach vcan 1 als 333 weiterreichen ohne Daten zu ändern (nur ID und DLC)

neue Regel hinzufügen:
 sudo cangw -A -s vcan0 -d vcan1 -e -f 244:C00007FF -m SET:ILD:333.4.1122334455667788

                                                             ^ =set Data
                                                            ^  = set Len
                                                           ^   = set ID
 ==> jetzt nach Daten Änderung

 sudo cangw -A -s vcan0 -d vcan1 -e -f 244:C00007FF -m AND:D:244.5.11223300FF667788
 D3 filtern

 und löschen:
 sudo cangw -D -s vcan0 -d vcan1 -e -f 244:C00007FF -m AND:D:244.5.11223300FF667788

 nochmal nur D3 filtern (war DLC=5):
 sudo cangw -A -s vcan0 -d vcan1 -e -f 244:C00007FF -m AND:D:244.5.FFFFFF00FF667788

 Filter Test:

  sudo cangw -A -s vcan0 -d vcan1 -e -f 244~244                                          ??? alles aus 244 routen
  sudo cangw -A -s vcan0 -d vcan1 -e -f 244:C00007FF -m AND:D:244.8.FFFFFFFF00667788     // und jetzt D5 filter

noch 2 Beispiele:

1) alles außer 0x466 routen:
 sudo cangw -A -s can0 -d can1 -f 466~7ff

2)alles außerr 1B8 routen:
  sudo cangw -A can0 -f 1B8~C00007FF -d can1

D0,D2,D3 lassen, D1=22 setzen
sudo cangw -A -s can0 -d can1 -f 1B8:C00007FF -m AND:D:1B8.4.FF00FFFF4455667788 -m OR:D:1B8.4.0022000000000000

cangw - hilfe

Usage: cangw [options]

Commands:  -A (add a new rule)
           -D (delete a rule)
           -F (flush / delete all rules)
           -L (list all rules)
Mandatory: -s <src_dev>  (source netdevice)
           -d <dst_dev>  (destination netdevice)
Options:   -t (preserve src_dev rx timestamp)
           -e (echo sent frames - recommended on vcanx)
           -i (allow to route to incoming interface)
           -u <uid> (user defined modification identifier)
           -l <hops> (limit the number of frame hops / routings)
           -f <filter> (set CAN filter)
           -m <mod> (set frame modifications)
           -x <from_idx>:<to_idx>:<result_idx>:<init_xor_val> (XOR checksum)
           -c <from>:<to>:<result>:<init_val>:<xor_val>:<crctab[256]> (CRC8 cs)
           -p <profile>:[<profile_data>] (CRC8 checksum profile & parameters)

Values are given and expected in hexadecimal values. Leading 0s can be omitted.

<filter> is a <value><mask> CAN identifier filter
   <can_id>:<can_mask> (matches when <received_can_id> & mask == can_id & mask)
   <can_id>~<can_mask> (matches when <received_can_id> & mask != can_id & mask)

<mod> is a CAN frame modification instruction consisting of
 - <instruction> is one of 'AND' 'OR' 'XOR' 'SET'
 - <can_frame-elements> is _one_ or _more_ of 'I'dentifier 'L'ength 'D'ata
 - <can_id> is an u32 value containing the CAN Identifier
 - <can_dlc> is an u8 value containing the data length code (0 .. 8)
 - <can_data> is always eight(!) u8 values containing the CAN frames data
The max. four modifications are performed in the order AND -> OR -> XOR -> SET

cangw -A -s can0 -d vcan3 -e -f 123:C00007FF -m SET:IL:333.4.1122334455667788

Supported CRC 8 profiles:
Profile '1' (1U8)       - add one additional u8 value
Profile '2' (16U8)      - add u8 value from table[16] indexed by (data[1] & 0xF)
Profile '3' (SFFID_XOR) - add u8 value (can_id & 0xFF) ^ (can_id >> 8 & 0xFF)


candump -ta vcan0       # mit Zeitstempel absolute -td=delta, usw...
candump -ta -a vcan0     # mit Zeitstempel und ASCII-Anzeige
candump -L vcan0         # Verwendet für die Anzeige wie es beim Logfile abgespeichert wird
candump -l vcan0         # CAN-Frames in Dateispeichern (dieses File kann mit log2asc in das lesbare Format konvertiert werden.) 
candump -l any            # alle CAN Interfaces loggen

candump -L can0 |log2long can0   # inkl. Konvertierung zu Long und ASCII
candump -L can0 |log2asc can0

Aus Dump-File nur bestimmte IDs anzeigen:
cat can.log | log2long can0 | egrep ' 020 | 02F '

candump -cae can0,0:0,#FFFFFFFF     # alle IDs und Error Frames  , ASCII, farblich Interface markieren

Auszug von candump -h:
candump -c -c -ta can0,123:7FF,400:700,#000000FF can2,400~7F0 can3 can8
candump -l any,0~0,#FFFFFFFF    (log only error frames but no(!) data frames)
candump -l any,0:0,#FFFFFFFF    (log error frames and also all data frames)
candump vcan2,92345678:DFFFFFFF (match only for extended CAN ID 12345678)
candump vcan2,123:7FF (matches CAN ID 123 - including EFF and RTR frames)
candump vcan2,123:C00007FF (matches CAN ID 123 - only SFF and non-RTR frames)

  • candump -cae can0,0:0,#FFFFFFFF

    candump (Farbe, alles, Filter alle IDs und ERRORFrames anzeigen)

  • candump -L can0 | split -C 500MB

    Falls die Logfiles zu groß werden, kann man sie hiermit aufsplitten.

  • candump -L any | log2long can0, can1

    Alle CAN-Boschaften (CAN0,CAN1) etwas schöner formatiert anzeigen

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public/can-utils_tipps.1578143254.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2020/01/04 13:07 von geier99